


Hello there kids! My name is Teacher Jessy and welcome to Hatchlink Jr.. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies. I love reading books and watching movies. I am very passionate as a teacher. I love teaching kids like you. I am here to help you develop your English skills in an interesting and enjoyable way. It would be my pleasure to teach you, amazing kiddos! Hope to seeing you in my class.
Hi Kids! My name is Teacher Charrie and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I love to sing, dance, and play with children. I am a fan of anime and Kpop. I am also a Sunday school teacher in our church and I am so fond of teaching kids like you. I also want to share my knowledge and teach the English language! So let’s learn English while having fun! I am looking forward to seeing you in my class!
Hello there kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr! My name is Teacher Dave. I like to read books, watch anime and spending time with my family and friends. Teaching is both my profession and my passion. Therefore, I love teaching kids. I can guide and teach you English in an interesting way. I can assure you that I will do my best and will deliver my 100% to teach you and give you an enjoyable learning experience. It would be an honor to be your English teacher and I look forward to meeting you. Thank you and see yah!
Hello Kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. My name is Teacher Gia. I am currently studying Bachelor of Science in Office Administration. I love to read books, I can sing, and I can write poems too. I like playing the guitar during my free time. But do you know what I love the most? I love to teach kids, like you. And I am very excited to meet you soon here in Hatchlink Jr. So join me here, and let's have fun while learning English! I'll see you very soon.
Hi there kids! I am Teacher Shey and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor Of Arts in English. Teaching is my passion and I'm so excited to share my knowledge and learnings to you. Teacher Shey is here for you and very much willing to lend a help. Let's have fun and let's enjoy learning English Language together. Together, we can!
Hello Kids! I am Teacher Sabrina welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management. I have worked in a Hotel Industry for about 2 years. I love entertaining and talking to people but I realized teaching kids like you is more fun and interesting! Let's play and enjoy learning English! Because learning English is fun. See you :)
Hello Dear students :) . I am Teacher Nikki from Hatchlink Jr.. I'm a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social studies. In my free time, I like to watch movies, dance and read books. Growing up seeing myself teaching is what makes me happy. I am very passionate in teaching, optimistic and a jolly person. It would be nice to have a class with you, Dear . Let's make English Fun and enjoyable . I am looking forward to seeing you in my class!
Hello kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr. My name is Teacher Annie! I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Education. I really love teaching kids. Cooking, eating, and surfing the internet are my hobbies. So what are you waiting for? Book my class now! Let's learn English language in a fun way! See you!
Hi Kids! I am Teacher Keena. It's a great day to meet you! I will help you learn more things about the English language. Rest assured that I will be your teacher, your friend and your sister, at the same time. I will do my best to guide you to your destinations. Together, we will have some fun studying English. I hope to knowing more about you. See you in my class!
Hi Kids! My name is teacher Lois and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I love singing, dancing and acting. I'm an active choir member in our church and also a Sunday school teacher. I really like spending my time with kids, making fun activities, playing games and singing songs. Let's make every learning fun and wonderful. Hope to see you in my class!
普段から小さい子供たちと接することが大好きなロイス先生。ハッチリンクジュニアでは英語学習を通じて、日本の子供たちの成長に関われることにとてもやる気を感じております。 レッスンではどんどんロイス先生に質問してみて下さい。
Hello Kids! My name is Teacher Alex. During my free time, I love to travel and play the guitar. Would you like to learn how to read and speak English better? Well, that's why I am here for you. I will help you be a little better every day. I promise that we will have classes that are enjoyable and fruitful. So, start this journey with me now and let's have fun learning the English language together! See you!
・ 映画 ・旅行 ・裁縫
こんにちは!Mamiです。 私はこれまで英会話スクールで講師として15年間、2歳のお子様から大人の方まで英会話、文法、資格試験対策 などのレッスンを担当し、多くの生徒様に携わってきました。TOEICは945点、小学校英語指導者資格(J-SHINE)を保有しています。 私自身は学生の時に海外の文化に興味を持ち、そこから英語が好きになりました。アメリカの大学に1年留学経験があります。私生活では、小学生2人の母でもあります。 生徒様に「英語を学ぶことは、楽しい!」「英語でコミュニケーションをとることは楽しい!」と感じていただけるようなレッスンを提供していきたいと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Hello kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! My name is Teacher Lucas. I really enjoy teaching kids because they are just adorable. I am passionate when it comes to teaching as it gives me a sense of fulfillment. My hobby is drawing, watching anime and cooking. One of my dreams is to visit and to know more about your country. Come let's have fun while learning! See you around kids!
Hi kids! Welcome to Hatchlink Jr! I am Teacher Glenn. I am a graduate of Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics. I love to watch anime series and movies especially to genres like esekai, adventure, fantasy, shounen and magic. I also like to read and make my own poems. I can be your friend so let's enjoy learning English together and " Go beyond plus ultra! "
こんにちは! 講師のShigeです! 英語に興味を持ったきっかけは大学生の時、オーストラリアに1年間のワーキングホリデーとアメ リカのシアトルで短期留学を経験し、帰国後は0歳から5.6歳を対象とした保育園で英会話の先生 を8ヶ月間経験しました。TOEIC755点を保有しています。 前職はホテルでの通訳や外国人のお客様のお世話をしていました。 現在は外資系企業で英語を使ったお仕事をしています。 情報社会の今、英語が理解できれば入ってくる情報は格段に増えます。 英語を学ぶ理由は様々ですが、私がそうであったように、世界中の人と友達になれた、世界のこ とが知れたなど、国際社会で近い将来に活躍できる一つの大きなきっかけとなると信じています。 英語はお勉強ではありますが、子供達には英語は生活の一部で、英語を使ってコミュニケーショ ンを取るのが楽しい!と思ってもらえるように一緒に楽しく英語に慣れ親しんで行きたいと思って います!
Hello, Kids! I am Teacher Joseph and I'd like Welcome you to Hatchlink Jr. I have a degree in General Education and I specialize teaching students' of various levels. I love hiking, listening to the music and star gazing. I enjoy spending time with children and I am able to include exciting and engaging activities into the lesson. So, what are you waiting for? Come and join my class here at Hatchlink Jr. I'll be with you every step of the way, see you!
Hi, kids! My name is Teacher Kathia and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. Teaching is my dream and I like to teach and play with kids like you! We can sing, dance and draw together while learning. Let's make every English lesson fun and exciting! Join me and let the fun begin! See you!
Hello there kids! My name is teacher Daisy and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I like singing, reading books, and watching movies. Teaching is my passion and I really love sharing my knowledge with kids. Every Saturday I go to church to sing songs, read stories and have fun while studying with the kids. I am so excited to share and enjoy lots of things and I look forward to studying and learning with you! Once again, I am teacher Daisy. See you in my class!
Hi there! I am teacher Henry. I am an AB English Language student. I love to play instruments like flute and piano. I also love to sing, dance and play games, too. And I would be happy if you will play and learn English with me at the same time. Together, let us explore the wonders of the English Language! I can’t wait to be your teacher. See you!
Yow! What's up? I am Teacher Patric from Hatchlink Jr.and I would be very happy to be your teacher. I love to play different kinds of instruments like guitar, ukulele, piano and drums. I love to play games too. Will you play with me? I am so excited to see you!
Hello there kids! My name is Teacher Sandra and welcome to Hatchlink Jr. I love teaching kids in the most fun and enthusiastic way! I love reading, watching anime, and singing songs. It will be awesome to teach you! Come and join me to learn English in the most fun way possible! I'm so excited to see you!
Hello kids! I am Teacher Iris and welcome to Hatchlink Jr.! I love reading books, singing, dancing, and of course... teaching! It is my pleasure to impart my knowledge and skills to you and see you grow your English skills to it's fullest potential. So let's enjoy as we embark the journey of learning English language in a fun way. See you!
海外旅行 ・映画鑑賞 ・ジム
こんにちは!児童英語講師のYumikaです!学生の頃から英語が好きで、中学生の時に英検準2級を取得し、福岡の西南女学院短期大学英語科を卒業。25歳の時にワーホリでオーストラリアに1年滞在、その後、2015年から2020年まで5年間オーストラリアに滞在し、インターナショナルカレッジで、リメディアルマッサージのディプロマを取得、そしてビジネスのリーダーシップマネージメントのディプロマを所得し、3年間、5スターホテルで勤務しておりました。英語指導経験年齢は5歳から高校生と大人の初心者向けの英会話です♪ 英語は勉強するのではなく、スポーツと同じ、たくさん練習すれば、必ず誰でも上手くなります♪ ただ、練習するのではなく、楽しい♪好き♪という気持ちが大事です。でも、そんな私も沢山苦労してきましたので、言いたいことがなかなか言えない。。そんな悔しい思いもとてもよく分かります。私の授業では、英語の勉強のコツや英語でのコミュニケーションの取り方などもシェアしていきます♪ I am looking forward to see you at the class!!
• ハイキング  •スノーボード  •国際交流
Hello there. 現役英会話講師のEmiです。普段は子ども英会話教室で2歳から高校生まで幅広い年齢層と初心者向けの英会話を指導してます。私のレッスンテーマは楽しんで、学ぶ、飽きさせないことを大切にしてます。初心者の方大歓迎です。もちろん、日本語を混ぜながらご指導させて頂きます。資格はJ-SHINE (小学校英語指導者)、英検準一級。お歌、ゲーム、Phonics を取り入れて生徒様と共に楽しんでます。英検対策や文法対策も日本語でご指導させて頂きます。また、保護者様の悩み事、子ども達の未来の英語学習についてお手伝いさせて頂ければ幸いです♪ オーストラリア・メルボルン大学留学経験を活かし15力国以上の国に旅に行きました♪世界中の子ども達と一緒に楽しむことが、とっても大好きです★沢山の素敵な生徒様と保護者の皆様に出逢えることをとてもワクワクしてます。どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 Hello. My name is Emi. I'm a very patient teacher and kind. I hope you choose me to help your speech become fluent in English. I'm very friendly and want to see you succeed. I can't wait to meet you, See you in my class!
Hello! I'm Teacher Tin! Ky? wa genkidesu ka? I am a nurse in profession and worked in the hospital for 4 years. And because of my job, I interacted with different types of people here in the Philippines and abroad. During my spare time, I read English books, watching movies, and singing songs as well. I am a teacher by heart and I always enjoy teaching kids or adults. So what are you waiting for? Enroll in my class today and join me in experiencing the fun of learning the English language. Let me help you in improving your communication skills and discover the fun together. See you!
Hello there, kids! My name is Teacher Cyra and welcome to Hatchlink Jr! Ever since I was young, I'd love to dance. I joined in different performances and competitions. Because of dancing, I learned how to teach other people. And, I eventually fell in love with teaching, especially to kids! So, I am looking forward to having you in my class! Let's dance together on our way to the world of English and at the same time, have fun!
Hi,Kids! This is Teacher Shelly,and I welcome you to Hatchlink Jr. I enjoy reading Manga on my free time and I love cats. I am here to help you develop your English skills and explore the vast world of the English Language. Together, we will learn about it in your own pace. Guaranteed that our lessons will be fun and exciting. See you in my class !
Hello there kids! I'm Teacher Zoe. I've been teaching foreign students for a few years already and teaching has become my passion. I love to share my knowledge and nurture the minds of my students to love and use the English language more effectively. Well, I do love dancing since I'm a freelance dance choreographer, listening to songs, drawing, reading webtoons, watching asian dramas and anime such as "Inuyasha" and "Yuri on Ice", writing some radio scripts, running with my dogs and learning different cultures such as the Japanese and Korean cultures. I do teach the kids in my neighborhood how to use the English language whenever I have free time at home. So, I'll be very grateful to have you in my class kids. Let's make learning exciting, fun and easy for you okay. Here in Hatchlink Jr, each class is really worth it. I'm looking forward to studying with you. See you around!
Hello there kids! My name is Teacher Lizzie and welcome to Hatchlink Jr! I love watching Kdramas, Jdramas, and anime. English is fun! Come on, let's learn together and don't be shy. I'll help you out. It's my pleasure to be a part of your journey as you become an amazing person someday. See you around lovely kids!
Hi kids! I am teacher Jasmine. I love teaching kids because teaching is my passion. I want to impart my knowledge to you so that you can also share your knowledge to others. I am not just a teacher but also your friend. I love reading, watching English movies and writing short stories. I will make sure that you will enjoy the class with me. Everyone has a room for learning, so it's not yet too late for you to learn. Come join me! Let's play and learn English together! See you in my class!